Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Dove Cameron (Disney celebrity) wearing the scarf I made  for her...

This is me... with the completed scarf I made for Dove.  It took me 3 months and 5 balls of yarn.  I like it.  I ended up with an order for another one, in red, from my neighbour.  She likes it too.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Well, she's pretty inspiring to most people.
Is it genes, or, is she an alien?
Chloe Hosterman, aka Dove Cameron
...I'm going with alien.


Anyway, I threw some paint at a canvas...
and this happened.
It's been awhile since I did any significant painting projects,
but I'm happy with this.  
I can still do it. 

My friend, Emily wanted a lightsaber... 
I'm not the best at photoshop, but, hey, what do you think?

Hope you like green, Emily.


Saturday, March 7, 2020

The finished Chloe rug.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Nearly finished the Chloe (Dove Cameron) rug project.  What do you think?

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Dove (Chloe) Cameron rug project

My latest rug project.  Dove (Chloe) Cameron.
I selected this image, a recent photo of Chloe, to be the inspiration for my latest rug project.

I then reduced the image until it was 120 pixels across.  At this point, I assign a colour to each pixel and blow it up to create a graph I can work from.  This image, 120 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall, was printed out on 12 sheets of paper

I digitize and plot my own graph. You can see the page I'm working on under the corner of the briefcase. This rug took 12 sheets to graph out. Each sheet is 40x40 stitches or knots. The blue squares on the canvas are 10x10, so each completed square has 100 pieces of yarn knotted into it. This rug will be 120 wide by 150 long. (12x15 of the blue squares). Most of my portrait rugs are 120 wide because that gives me a pixel/knot count that yields a decent image. The bigger the rug, the more detail I can do, but I'm happy with 120 pixels across.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

About me

About me: The artist. The latchhooker. My name is Brent Wolters. I'm a 49 going on 50 year old man living on disability for mental health issues, in Hamilton, Ontario. One of my hobbies, aside from photography, is making portrait rugs of various celebrities (and some neighbors and friends as well...) Everyone who see's my rugs says I have "Mad skills!" and that I should be selling my rugs. My costs are around $150 per rug, and it takes me on average about 3 months to put one together. Would I like to sell them? Yes... for around $300 ea, if I could get that. So far, I've been keeping them or giving them away to whoever is featured in the rug in exchange for a picture or a video of their 'fanart' appreciation. A few rugs, I photoshopped in the relevant celebrity because I haven't gotten a response from them after trying to contact them via social media and other means. I'm always looking for feedback... My hope is that my efforts are appreciated and well received. I'm always looking for my next subject as well. Lately, I've been thinking of doing a rug featuring Dove Cameron or Miley Cyrus. Sooner or later, my art will receive some recognition, maybe? Sincerely, Brent Wolters.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Selena Gomez rug is finished!

The Selena Gomez rug is done. Oct 12/2016. Now I have to contact Selena and see if I can get her to pose with the rug, right? Selena? You watching this blog? Drop me a line.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Latest Poetry Book.

My new book is available on and Buy your copy today!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The finished Emily Osment rug. Is this the ultimate fan art...or what?

New Selena Rug starting now...

Starting a new rug. The yarn has been ordered, the graphs/charts printed. I think this will be a nice rug. Opinions?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Marissa, one of my relatives, posts pictures to Facebook all the time...I saw this photo of her and thought, "Wow, that would make a great rug project!"

I started the editing process, and was impressed with the results.  I called her mom and asked her, "Do you think Marissa would like a rug portrait for Christmas?"  ...she said, "Yes, very much.  Do it."

So, 2 and half months later...and still 2 weeks before Christmas, my "TOP SECRET" project was done.  I didn't want her to know about it, so I kept the pictures off the internet.

The day after Christmas, Dec 26, we all get together to exchange gifts at her house.  I had the rug in a box, and wrapped up in brown paper with a few Christmas stickers here and there on it....

She tears off the paper...the box is for table top fan, but she figures right away that there's no fan in this box.  I'd taped it up real good with packing tape, so it took her a bit to open the box...but once she did...


The following pictures are of Marissa and her portrait rug.

....I think she likes it. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

 Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting with some favorite fan art... lol

Want me to make a portrait rug with your mug on it?  Send me an email at SUBJECT: Portrait RUG and we'll talk about it!  Do it NOW!

Monday, September 28, 2015

girl with roses

The official "next" project has begun, now that the Emily Osment rug is finished.  I think this one is cute... thoughts?

Emily Osment rug finished.

Finished my latest 3 month rug project.  This one staring EMILY OSMENT.  I'm trying to get her attention...hopefully I can send it to her so I can get a picture of her and the rug together.  Maybe a note from her as well... (wishful thinking...)  Emily, if you read this, contact me at and let me know where I can send this rug for a 'photo op'?  Would love a pic of you holding it/laying on it/feeding it to Joe...whatever. LOL.   Send it back later, or keep it.  All I want is the photo and bragging rights...okay!   Always a fan, ever since Hannah Montana.  Love your comedic timing.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

My neighbour, Gord, went BIG after I convinced him to try out a rug project.  I took his original photo (tan background) and changed the background to light blue, made up a rug plan on my computer and let him at it after some brief instructions on how to create and finish a latchook rug.  I think his results are pretty impressive.  Pictured are his son, daughter in law and grandson.  What do you think?  The "G" in the lower right corner was his idea. LOL.
Just so you know...I have another secret rug project on the go as well... I'll post pictures once it's been gifted to the person I'm doing it for. (dec. 25th, 2015)  Meanwhile, it's a secret.  Not posting any more details, or progress photos or anything else about it...because I know she checks my pages and my blog.  Stay tuned!
Emily Osment rug is coming along nicely.  Thoughts?  Opinions?  Suggestions for my next project?  I want to hear from you!