Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Latest Rugs...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The "Michelle" (Trachtenberg) Rug
The "Michelle Rug" Inspired by an image of Michelle Trachtenberg.
This photo on the bottom here is the inspiration for the rug art. Let me know if you like my art, or if there's an image you would like to see my attempt... here in the comments below. Or you can email me directly at (subject: rug art)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Progress continues on my latest rug art:

I'm actually a little further along on the rug now... this photo was taken yesterday and I worked on the rug some more last night. I get to a point with these where I just want to get them done and see the end result.
The above rug is being made using a photo of Michelle Trachtenberg which I found online.
Here are a few pictures of my finished rugs:
This rug is an old picture I had on my computer of Alyssa Milano and one of her horses. You'd have to ask her which horse it was, as I've forgotten it's name.
The rug above, the "Charmed" rug, features Rose McGowan. It's one of the first rugs I've done to my own design. This rug has been to Hollywood and the set of Charmed when the show was still being filmed. I had expected Rose to keep the rug, but she returned it with a thank you note and an autographed photo.
The above image is the graph/plan for a rug currently in the process of being made by a friend of mine. It's one of my designs and features my dog, "Skipper". I'll show more images of this rug as progress is made.
This picture of a sailboat is the next rug I plan to make. It's my artistic representation of the boat S.V. EtAl which I had lived aboard and sailed for a number of years on the west coast.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Here's a picture of a rug I made a few years ago. It's my best so far...
The paper cutouts of Alyssa and Rose are lifesize for comparison. The image in the lower right corner is the original picture that the rug was based on/inspired by.
To see a collection of images showing rugs I've already done, click here: Rugs
And for rug ideas I have, there's this collection of images: Rug plans
And hey, you can click on the pictures you like and leave me a comment... that way I know what people would like to see next. I'm also open to suggestions, just send me an email with a picture you'd like to see as a rug and I'll see if I can convert it into a graph. If you want to buy a rug from me, or order one made, we can make a deal. Send me an email at
Friday, January 1, 2010
The subject of my latest rug art:
I'll post a picture of the rug here once it's done!
Cheers, Brent